Thursday, January 26, 2012


The Bohemian Club is an all male club, located in the Ancient Redwoods of Northern California, the club has been around since 1872. The Bohemian Club is a place where the Elite meet once a year to celebrate the occult, the all male members dress in black and silver robes and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl. The Cremation of Care  is a ritual that takes place on the last night of the gathering of elitist in which they sacrifice a human being in effigy.

Notable Elitist that attend are United States Presidents, media moguls, Hollywood personalities, and world leaders. Info warrior Alex Jones infiltrated the Cremation of Care a few years back and was the first non-invited person to witness the ritual and video it, as you can see in the following video.

Secret Societies do exist and have existed for millennium, they are the ones' who have been controlling the masses.
These secret societies have kept information from the rest of us that would free our minds, body and souls.... but they have used it against us, to control our daily lives. It is about time that we take back what has been stolen from us, the new awakening is beginning and will not be denied. The powers that be, know this and are in a hurry to tighten our binders even more so we can not defeat them. It is going to take a massive social, spiritual and conscious movement to hold back these thieves but as more and more people are awakened the paradigm will shift. "SEEK THE TRUTH AND IT WILL FIND YOU."

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