Showing posts with label cheating voters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cheating voters. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ron Paul: ‘Last man standing for lost liberties’

February 20, 2012 

United States presidential contender Ron Paul has warned that his country is slipping into a twenty-first century fascist system with a broke government ruled by big business. RT asked some experts whether they agree.
Speaking to supporters in Kansas City, the Republican candidate said Americans' individual liberties were being stripped away.
And, as Houston-based author Anis Shivani says, Paul is “the only candidate on the Republican side who is talking about the loss of civil liberties, pending illegal wars, making the connection between imperialism and the loss of rights at home.”
It now looks like Ron Paul could win the Maine caucus, and Shivani believes he could have more support with the American public but it seems that the media won’t allow it to happen:
“I think he does have hardcore support – maybe it could be 15 to 20 per cent of people on the conservative side. His support could be wider, but the media will never treat a candidate like him with seriousness, they will just dismiss him as a fringe candidate because of, for example, his very firm stance on Iran, he is saying ‘Let’s not get into another war on Iran, we just can’t afford it, and every time we do this, it makes governance at home more difficult.’ So the media will say he is just not interested in national security and dismiss him.”

Friday, January 27, 2012


Do you believe your vote counts? This is testimony from a gentleman that wrote code to rig election results.

Watch the video below.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ron Paul destroys Rick Santorum on Iran During Ames Iowa Debate! Go Ron GO!

Just to hear Ron Paul speak with the confidence he shows is very promising.....He has been in the trenches for our freedoms for years is about time his voice is being did Santorum get more

Was Ron Paul cheated in Iowa?

I have been reading some interesting things about how the Iowa caucus is handled and quite frankly, it would not surprise me if Mr. Paul was cheated of votes in Iowa....The establishment will do whatever they can so Mr. Paul's ideas will not infiltrate to the mainstream....There is a nice article on the site that likens the way the Iowa GOP did with their secret vote count location to the recent election in Russia