Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Was Ron Paul cheated in Iowa?

I have been reading some interesting things about how the Iowa caucus is handled and quite frankly, it would not surprise me if Mr. Paul was cheated of votes in Iowa....The establishment will do whatever they can so Mr. Paul's ideas will not infiltrate to the mainstream....There is a nice article on the site that likens the way the Iowa GOP did with their secret vote count location to the recent election in Russia

NDAA...FEMA CAMPS,_-_Video.html

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

10 Things Wrong with America

This is just a list of things right off the top of my head and in no particular order:

Thrill Bill: 'US wars deliver absolute terror'

What in the world are they doing to us vitamin D deception

It has become the norm to see theses lines in the sky....most people you talk to will say the lines have always been there....BULLSHIT....I have been studying the chemtrails for over ten years, and they seem to have intensified over the last few amazes me when I talk to people, all I hear them say is we have had this bad cough, nasal congestion, headaches....the list goes on and on...everyone thinks it is just a cold or some other type of virus....there is way too many people that have breathing problems now that we can not determine how it happens.....most people I talk to seem to think I am a nut job when I tell them about chemtrails....they say things like that is a contrail, no it is not a contrail, a contrail will dissipate after a short distance in the sky....chemtrails will spread out and cause the sky to cloud up...from my personal observations I have noticed it will usually rain within a few days of the spraying in my location..... There are so many theories out now trying to explain why the spraying is occurring that it will make your head spin.....whatever the reason for the spraying it can not be good..

Monday, January 2, 2012

They will be coming for US!!!

I hope we the PEOPLE will wake up before it is too late, I know for most people all this is really hard to can our government do this to it's people? Why would they do this? These are only a couple of questions you may be asking reality the government does not care about you or me, they are concerned about world governance....we are in an age now that is unlike any time before in our history...The president is a mere puppet, he is told what to do and how to do it....With the signing of the NDAA into law we are in for some drastic changes, changes that will make the US look more like Pre WWII Germany.....papers please...just with me writing these words in this blogg, I could be considered a danger to the people....WAKE UP MY FRIENDS AND SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

10 Ways the U.S. Gov't Has Destroyed Its Own Declaration of Independence

Very nice article....I hope we do not see this document destroyed, it is the basis of our country's whole existence...Today it seems we are moving in reverse from what this country was founded upon, all our rights are slowly and methodically being taken away from us....When will enough be enough, when they knock on your door at 4am and say come with will be too late then. We all need to wake up and realize what is happening to this great Country we call the UNITED STATES of AMERICA

Agenda 21 For Dummies