Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ron Paul: ‘Last man standing for lost liberties’

February 20, 2012 

United States presidential contender Ron Paul has warned that his country is slipping into a twenty-first century fascist system with a broke government ruled by big business. RT asked some experts whether they agree.
Speaking to supporters in Kansas City, the Republican candidate said Americans' individual liberties were being stripped away.
And, as Houston-based author Anis Shivani says, Paul is “the only candidate on the Republican side who is talking about the loss of civil liberties, pending illegal wars, making the connection between imperialism and the loss of rights at home.”
It now looks like Ron Paul could win the Maine caucus, and Shivani believes he could have more support with the American public but it seems that the media won’t allow it to happen:
“I think he does have hardcore support – maybe it could be 15 to 20 per cent of people on the conservative side. His support could be wider, but the media will never treat a candidate like him with seriousness, they will just dismiss him as a fringe candidate because of, for example, his very firm stance on Iran, he is saying ‘Let’s not get into another war on Iran, we just can’t afford it, and every time we do this, it makes governance at home more difficult.’ So the media will say he is just not interested in national security and dismiss him.”

Monday, February 20, 2012


The Illuminati Symbolism is all around do not have to look too far to see these symbols in corporate logos.

On a daily basis we are bombarded with these images....driving down the road, watching TV...The Illuminati symbolism in corporate logos are there for the elitist to show to each other who they are and what they represent...These symbols are mostly subliminal in nature, we see them day after day without any thought to what they may mean.

The below video does a pretty good job of breaking down how the Illuminati (Freemason's) work to control and manipulate the people. The narrator is a little monotone but the words speak for themselves..

We are subjected to an onslaught of subliminal messages every that most everything done on TV and movies is computer generated, I expect to see more and more ways for them to use logos and subliminal messages on a larger and more grand scale. Their end game is fast approaching so they need to step up to keep more and more sheeple under their control.

As More and more continue to be awakened on a daily basis, they will have to be more imaginative to continue to fool the is time we remove the wool that has been ceremoniously placed upon the eyes of the all of us.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Coming soon..... guest blogger Illuminati Watcher will be posting to the blog . Please head on over to his site and show him support...Thanks

Monday, February 13, 2012


Here we go again...just a couple weeks after the Madonna Illuminati Super Bowl Symbolism...Nicki Minaj has shown us once again that we are being subjected to the views and beliefs of these freaks on an ever increasing time frame. I was appalled at the performance of Ms.Minaj on the 2012 Grammy's, to see this symbolism become more and more open is rather freighting....the powers to be have quickened their assault on the public in an increasing manner.

They are starting to tell everyone what is coming...take the name of the song she performed on the Grammy's...Roman Holiday...if you look up the term on Merriam-Webster's dictionary it says a Roman Holiday is: 1. a time of debauchery or of sadistic enjoyment
                                   2. a destructive or tumultuous disturbance

The thing that needs to be understood is theses artist and I use that term "lightly" are just puppets for the Illuminati....they have sold their souls to these scums in exchange for fame and fortune...but what they do not understand is they are put out in the public eye to advance the agendas of these monsters.

Looking at the definition of Roman Holiday, we can see it is all about evil and bad doings....I think the second part of the definition is the most revealing ...."a destructive or tumultuous disturbance" we are being conditioned on a subconscious level to accept what ever it is they have planned in the near future...I am amazed at the frequency they have been exposing their end-game.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


To piggyback on a previous post, I did a search on Google Trends and noticed a spike for Illuminati and Madonna searches near Super Bowl Sunday....As you can see from the screen shot below....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I have seen the videos, I have read the articles about the coming police state. The police state is already upon us, the police have been funded from grants the feds have been giving them. When they receive these grants they are expected to conduct business the way the feds want them to, if they do not do the things asked of them, the money can and will be pulled. The major problem I see with police becoming federalized is the fact that they lose their accountability, if they receive money from their prospective communities they have to be accountable. The late Noble Laureate Milton Friedman pointed out, we never spend other peoples money as carefully as we spend our own.

Monday, February 6, 2012


This is just more proof that the the Illuminati are everywhere and have control...In Madonna's Super Bowl halftime show, there is clear evidence of the Illuminati, hiding in plain sight. It appears they tried making it look like outer space but as you can see it is clearly an eye...

Friday, January 27, 2012


Alex Jones discussing the TSA and their many lies...




Do you believe your vote counts? This is testimony from a gentleman that wrote code to rig election results.

Watch the video below.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


The Bohemian Club is an all male club, located in the Ancient Redwoods of Northern California, the club has been around since 1872. The Bohemian Club is a place where the Elite meet once a year to celebrate the occult, the all male members dress in black and silver robes and worship a giant 40 foot stone owl. The Cremation of Care  is a ritual that takes place on the last night of the gathering of elitist in which they sacrifice a human being in effigy.

Notable Elitist that attend are United States Presidents, media moguls, Hollywood personalities, and world leaders. Info warrior Alex Jones infiltrated the Cremation of Care a few years back and was the first non-invited person to witness the ritual and video it, as you can see in the following video.

Secret Societies do exist and have existed for millennium, they are the ones' who have been controlling the masses.

Guest Bloggers

I would welcome anyone that has any info you would like for me to share....I know there are so many things happening all over the world that needs to be out ...Send me any info, articles or anything you may deem of interest. I will publish your work as a guest blogger.

 We must stand together or hang separately

 Papers Please

I am looking for things that deal with Illuminati, New World Order, Police State, Police brutality, free thinking, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg, Federal Reserve, 2012, Agenda 21, Chemtrails, Government corruption.....etc.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

North Carolina Death Row Inmate Taunts Justice System

Convicted murder Danny Hembree, sits in North Carolina's Central Prison convicted of  killing a 17-year old girl and accused of murdering two other women. He will go to trial later in the year for those two killings. In a letter he wrote to The Gaston Gazette, Hembree says, "Is the public aware that I am a gentleman of leisure, watching color TV in the A.C., reading, taking naps at will, eating three well balanced hot meals a day," Hembree asked in the letter. "I'm housed in a building that connects to the new 55 million dollar hospital with round the clock free medical care 24/7." See video from ABC News.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Police State Gearing Up For The DNC

The Charlotte Observer reports Charlotte, NC city council has passed new ordinances to stop and search peple during the Democratic National Convention in Seprember, the probale cause....wearing backpacks and carrying coolers They even goes as far as designating one area where speakers can speak, thus telling the us our 2nd amendment has to be carried out where they want it to be. I love how they use fear to make these rules to their favor, the local police say large protests - and some violence - have been common at political conventions. WOW this will be interesting in September.

In preparation for the Democratic National Convention, the Charlotte City Council voted 10-1 Monday night to approve new ordinances that will give police more power to stop and search people during the convention.
In addition, the new rules will prohibit camping on city property, a change that will keep Occupy Charlotte protesters from sleeping on the lawn at old City Hall.
The vote was met with shouts of "Shame!" from a packed council chamber, which prompted most of the council and Mayor Anthony Foxx to temporarily leave the dais. Protesters upset at the vote continued to shout chants, such as "Evict us, we multiply ... Occupy will never die," in the lobby of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center.
No arrests were reported.
The city has said the changes protect the First Amendment, though the American Civil Liberties Union has said some of the measures go too far, including giving the police power to arrest people carrying backpacks, satchels or coolers if they believe the items are being used to carry weapons.