Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Crash Of The Dollar Imminent...?

Will the dollar be dead by the end of 2012? According to many reports, it has already started. Towards the end of 2011 China and Japan signed a trade agreement that essentially states they will only trade with each other using the Yuan and the Yen, no US greenbacks. Is this the start of the dismantling of the dollar as the world reserve currency? Many think so, Russia and China in 2010 have reached a deal to only trade in their respective currencies bypassing the dollar all together.

Four days ago Saudi Arabia and China announced the construction of the world's largest oil refinery to be built in the Red sea port of Yanbu by 2014. This can be seen as a major blow to the petrodollar, which is on the verge of losing it's clout, as other developed countries continue to look for other ways to pay for oil, the US economy is sure to suffer. This is all part of the plan by the elite, right?

According to Lindsey Williams, the elite have not let the world financial crash happen, as of yet due to the fact, they want to have all the States, Counties and Cities in massive debt....(just do a search for US cities in default)  that way they can move in a take control of these municipalities...Order Out Of Chaos....

The US dollar is not near as strong as it was, say twenty years ago...the dollar has taken a beating over the last few years. No wonder why all these other countries have been looking for ways to get out of the dollar, as the dollar loses more and more share on the global market theses types of agreements will certainly be the future of global trading.....The US has made a killing off the petrodollar. What will they do when it loses it's vitality in the markets?  Is this what the Elitist want?

The sad thing about this, the elite have been planning this for some time now, they are waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Will their opportunity be; the world not being as interested in the US dollar as they once were? 

Watch the derivatives market, this is where the next bubble will come from and when it crashes, watch out..it will make the housing crash seem like a trickle in a dried up river bed....today so much of the market is tied to derivatives, when it starts to crumble, it will be the end of the way we have lived life in the US for the last 100 years. The crash will be unprecedented in world history....Will it be the beginning of the end for the Almighty dollar? 

2012 is going to be an interesting time in the history of the world.....

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