Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Was Ron Paul cheated in Iowa?

I have been reading some interesting things about how the Iowa caucus is handled and quite frankly, it would not surprise me if Mr. Paul was cheated of votes in Iowa....The establishment will do whatever they can so Mr. Paul's ideas will not infiltrate to the mainstream....There is a nice article on the site that likens the way the Iowa GOP did with their secret vote count location to the recent election in Russia
( ) Mr.Paul is not the person the GOP will want representing them in the 2012 presidential election but he is the one "We the People" need representing us!!! I find it interesting that we as United States citizens have always been told go to the polls your vote matters, I somehow do not believe our individual votes count as much as the establishment wants us to believe..

The lies we were told four years ago should open everyone's eyes...."Hope and Change," yeah we hope now we can get change! The change that Obama has brought us is not the change we need, he has continually passed legislation that is turning our great nation into a socialist state, is that the change we want or need? Take for instance the latest...National Defense Authorization Act. You should read and understand what that authorizes, they have completely shredded the Constitution with the passing of the NDAA. Seems like most people are clueless to what our government is really doing to our way of life, it is time now to remove the wool that has been placed upon your eyes....

I encourage you not believe me but to do your own research, when you are able to research and find things out for yourself it is very liberating. Look in places you would not normally look for your news, made decisions based on what you feel is right, not what some article or TV news reader tells you is the TRUTH!!!

"Seek the Truth and it will find You."

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