Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Crash Of The Dollar Imminent...?
Will the dollar be dead by the end of 2012? According to many reports, it has already started. Towards the end of 2011 China and Japan signed a trade agreement that essentially states they will only trade with each other using the Yuan and the Yen, no US greenbacks. Is this the start of the dismantling of the dollar as the world reserve currency? Many think so, Russia and China in 2010 have reached a deal to only trade in their respective currencies bypassing the dollar all together.
Four days ago Saudi Arabia and China announced the construction of the world's largest oil refinery to be built in the Red sea port of Yanbu by 2014. This can be seen as a major blow to the petrodollar, which is on the verge of losing it's clout, as other developed countries continue to look for other ways to pay for oil, the US economy is sure to suffer. This is all part of the plan by the elite, right?
According to Lindsey Williams, the elite have not let the world financial crash happen, as of yet due to the fact, they want to have all the States, Counties and Cities in massive debt....(just do a search for US cities in default) that way they can move in a take control of these municipalities...Order Out Of Chaos....
The US dollar is not near as strong as it was, say twenty years ago...the dollar has taken a beating over the last few years. No wonder why all these other countries have been looking for ways to get out of the dollar, as the dollar loses more and more share on the global market theses types of agreements will certainly be the future of global trading.....The US has made a killing off the petrodollar. What will they do when it loses it's vitality in the markets? Is this what the Elitist want?
The sad thing about this, the elite have been planning this for some time now, they are waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Will their opportunity be; the world not being as interested in the US dollar as they once were?
Watch the derivatives market, this is where the next bubble will come from and when it crashes, watch will make the housing crash seem like a trickle in a dried up river so much of the market is tied to derivatives, when it starts to crumble, it will be the end of the way we have lived life in the US for the last 100 years. The crash will be unprecedented in world history....Will it be the beginning of the end for the Almighty dollar?
2012 is going to be an interesting time in the history of the world.....
Four days ago Saudi Arabia and China announced the construction of the world's largest oil refinery to be built in the Red sea port of Yanbu by 2014. This can be seen as a major blow to the petrodollar, which is on the verge of losing it's clout, as other developed countries continue to look for other ways to pay for oil, the US economy is sure to suffer. This is all part of the plan by the elite, right?
According to Lindsey Williams, the elite have not let the world financial crash happen, as of yet due to the fact, they want to have all the States, Counties and Cities in massive debt....(just do a search for US cities in default) that way they can move in a take control of these municipalities...Order Out Of Chaos....
The US dollar is not near as strong as it was, say twenty years ago...the dollar has taken a beating over the last few years. No wonder why all these other countries have been looking for ways to get out of the dollar, as the dollar loses more and more share on the global market theses types of agreements will certainly be the future of global trading.....The US has made a killing off the petrodollar. What will they do when it loses it's vitality in the markets? Is this what the Elitist want?
The sad thing about this, the elite have been planning this for some time now, they are waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Will their opportunity be; the world not being as interested in the US dollar as they once were?
Watch the derivatives market, this is where the next bubble will come from and when it crashes, watch will make the housing crash seem like a trickle in a dried up river so much of the market is tied to derivatives, when it starts to crumble, it will be the end of the way we have lived life in the US for the last 100 years. The crash will be unprecedented in world history....Will it be the beginning of the end for the Almighty dollar?
2012 is going to be an interesting time in the history of the world.....
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Obama signs bill 'in secret' making FREE SPEECH ILLEGAL!
What more is it going to take for the people to see the road we are being lead down...Secret is the word that grabs some of my attention. This bill has so many avenues that allow it to be corrupted, against the American People. I wonder how the bill will play out in front of the whole Nation as the DNC is in Charlotte later this year? The President can appoint the Secret Service to anyone he deems as a necessity to the Oval Office.
Little by little we are having our everyday rights hijacked by the elitist that control and run Washington, it is time we as a people collectively start to make our presence more known. I see one of the largest obstacles we face is the media calling us Conspiracy Theorist, when we are really the one's telling the truth.
The Bill HR 347
Little by little we are having our everyday rights hijacked by the elitist that control and run Washington, it is time we as a people collectively start to make our presence more known. I see one of the largest obstacles we face is the media calling us Conspiracy Theorist, when we are really the one's telling the truth.
The Bill HR 347
H. R. 347One Hundred Twelfth Congressof theUnited States of AmericaAT T H E S E C O N D S E S S I O NBegun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday,the third day of January, two thousand and twelveAn ActTo correct and simplify the drafting of section 1752 (relating to restricted buildingsor grounds) of title 18, United States Code.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ofthe United States of America in Congress assembled,SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Restricted Buildingsand Grounds Improvement Act of 2011’’.SEC. 2. RESTRICTED BUILDING OR GROUNDS.Section 1752 of title 18, United States Code, is amended toread as follows:‘‘§ 1752. Restricted building or grounds‘‘(a) Whoever—‘‘(1) knowingly enters or remains in any restricted buildingor grounds without lawful authority to do so;‘‘(2) knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt theorderly conduct of Government business or official functions,engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within suchproximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or sothat, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderlyconduct of Government business or official functions;‘‘(3) knowingly, and with the intent to impede or disruptthe orderly conduct of Government business or official functions,obstructs or impedes ingress or egress to or from any restrictedbuilding or grounds; or‘‘(4) knowingly engages in any act of physical violenceagainst any person or property in any restricted building orgrounds;or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be punished as providedin subsection (b).‘‘(b) The punishment for a violation of subsection (a) is—‘‘(1) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not morethan 10 years, or both, if—‘‘(A) the person, during and in relation to the offense,uses or carries a deadly or dangerous weapon or firearm;or‘‘(B) the offense results in significant bodily injury asdefined by section 2118(e)(3); and‘‘(2) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not morethan one year, or both, in any other case.‘‘(c) In this section— H. R. 347—2‘‘(1) the term ‘restricted buildings or grounds’ means anyposted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area—‘‘(A) of the White House or its grounds, or the VicePresident’s official residence or its grounds;‘‘(B) of a building or grounds where the President orother person protected by the Secret Service is or willbe temporarily visiting; or‘‘(C) of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of nationalsignificance; and‘‘(2) the term ‘other person protected by the Secret Service’means any person whom the United States Secret Service isauthorized to protect under section 3056 of this title or byPresidential memorandum, when such person has not declinedsuch protection.’’.Speaker of the House of Representatives.Vice President of the United States andPresident of the Senat
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Mexican Earthquake Coincides With Drill Based Around Exact Same Scenario
Bizarre Coincidence: Government-run simulation also had earthquake measuring 7.9 on Richter scale
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Fears amongst some that governments are experimenting with technology that can trigger seismic events have heightened following the bizarre occurrence of yesterday’s Mexican earthquake coinciding with a government drill that was scheduled to take place at precisely the same time simulating an earthquake of the exact same magnitude.
The video above documents how Mexican Civil Protection (CP) authorities had planned to stage a response drill to an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale on March 20 at 12 noon local time, which is precisely when an earthquake hit Mexico yesterday.
After having initially been reported as 7.9 on the Richter scale, the earthquake was later revised to measure 7.4.
The exercise was being run under the auspices of Mexico’s State Emergency Committee, the government department tasked with responding to natural disasters.
“As part of preparations for the next megasimulacro March 20, state authorities of Civil Protection (CP) performed exercise tests before a cabinet to simulate the response to a contingency situation, an earthquake measuring 7.9 degrees on the scale Richter,” states a translated report out of Mexican newspaper El Heraldo, which ran the story on March 2.
A poster to publicize this “megasimularco” was also published by authorities, announcing the date of the drill to take place on March 20.
Another Mexican newspaper, La Voz del Norte, also reported on the “megasimularco,” on March 13, noting that three departments of “government are prepared to carry out the Mega Drill to be held on March 20 at about 12 o’clock.”
Yesterday’s earthquake hit precisely at 12:02PM local time in the region of Oaxaca, according to the USGS.
The bizarre coincidence has prompted claims that the event could have been a seismic experiment.
The fact that governments have access to seismic-triggering technology is not a conspiracy theory, it’s a scientific fact.
Weather modification expert Ben Livingston, a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960′s during the Vietnam era, has documented that as far back as the early 1950′s the United States was funneling money into programs aimed at using the weather as a weapon during the cold war.
Moreover, in an April 1997 speech to the University of Georgia, Athens, then US Secretary of Defense William Cohen spoke of the threat of an “eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
For many years, suspicions have circulated around the purpose of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and DARPA. In his underground bestseller Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, author Nick Begich summarizes the evidence that suggests HAARP is involved in weather control for nefarious purposes.
Scientists at NASA have discovered “A close link between electrical disturbances on the edge of our atmosphere and impending quakes on the ground below,” which has led to claims that earthquakes are being artificially induced as a form of modern warfare by HAARP.
Human activity has also been confirmed as a source of earthquakes. Changes in underground pressure at a geothermal power plant in Switzerland caused a 3.4 earthquake in 2007.
Whether or not yesterday’s earthquake was a seismic experiment gone awry or not, the fact that it coincided precisely with a government drill based around the an identical scenario, even down to the exact same magnitude of the earthquake that was initially reported, is a bizarre occurrence.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
Are Jay-Z and Nicki Minaj Really in the Illuminati?!
Source E Online
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Why do musicians like Jay Z spread beliefs in global conspiracy the Illuminati in their music?
—Traceless T., via Facebook
—Traceless T., via Facebook
You speak of the ongoing accusations against Mr. Z, as well as Oprah, Nicki Minaj and many others, that they belong to centuries-old secret society aimed at world takeover. Rappers are constantly addressing this chestnut. Just recently, Waka Flocka Flame was forced to stick up for Minaj, calling such allegations "bulls--t."
But let's not let that stop us from bringing Jay-Z into this:
Depending on whom you ask, The Illuminati are either (a) a defunct group of free thinkers from 18th century Bavaria or (b) a stealthy cabal of cultural elites with obscene wealth who are controlling the fate of the planet right this very second.
Follow so far? Of course you do.
As far as Jay-Z and other rappers go, conspiracy theories linking such musicians to the Illuminati—and another paranoiac fave, the Masons—have raged for years.
"The evidence is everywhere, hidden in plain sight," Philadelphia Weekly noted dryly more than a year ago. "It's in his videos. It's in his lyrics. It's in the pyramid-shaped sign he makes with his hand, which you foolishly believe represents his Rocafella/Roc Nation labels."
In fact, the Weekly notes, the Illuminati-music conspiracy theory does not end with Mr. Carter.
"The rumor-mongering has ramped up so aggressively, it's spilled over into those around Jay: Kanye (check the symbolism in his 'Power' video and 30-minute movie 'Runaway'); Rihanna (her video for 'Rude Boy' is steeped in Masonic imagery); Beyoncé (whose videos and costumes for alter-ego Sasha Fierce is ripe with Illuminati symbolism).
"Even Willow Smith, daughter of Will and Jada, is not immune. She was signed by Jay-Z to Roc Nation so, naturally, she's part of the Illuminati too."
But why rappers? Well, to put it simply, there is a nexus between African-Americans, power and paranoia that has simmered for generations. This is the latest iteration.
"Black culture in general has always had pervasive conspiracy theories," Marc Lamont Hill, professor at Columbia University told the Weekly. "There have always been questions and conspiracies about the structure and nature of power by African-Americans, and naturally those questions have made their way into hip-hop."
But why this particular conspiracy theory?
There are so many flavors of paranoia that you've gotta wonder why we have a specific complex marrying musicians (and Oprah!) to the Illuminati.
Well, I have that answer, too.
According to The World's Greatest Conspiracies, pretty much the Bible of side-eye, I give you this quote:
"Stories about the Illuminati refuse to go away...[The] Illuminati have become the all-purpose conspiracy; the theory that explains everything and always applies."
Read more:
Monday, March 19, 2012
TSA Pat Down of Three Year Old In Wheelchair
Why are we letting this type of behavior continue? You see how they are conditioning the people to accept this little boy is a threat....Did I miss the report that small kids are smuggling bombs in their cast, I could not believe it when I heard the Gustavo say he needed to swab the cast...REALLY!!! You can plainly see the fear on the boy's face as he has to be subjected to this brutality, yes I said brutality because that is exactly what this type of behavior is...
They separate the parents from the children to show the power they have over us. I can not put into words they way I feel about this...It is time to WAKE up people, the more they continue to get away with, the more they will continue to do....
They separate the parents from the children to show the power they have over us. I can not put into words they way I feel about this...It is time to WAKE up people, the more they continue to get away with, the more they will continue to do....
Friday, March 16, 2012
The Short Road To Chaos And Destruction.... An Expose of The Federal Reserve Banking System
What a great article....written twenty years ago, and so true to what is happening today.
The Short Road
To Chaos And Destruction
To Chaos And Destruction
An Expose of The Federal Reserve Banking System
An Article by Gunther K. Russbacher
Edited by Rayelan Allan Russbacher
Editor's note: Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher was a 29 year veteran of the United States Intelligence Community, (Office of Naval Intelligence, attached to the Central Intelligence Agency). During all of that time he has operated as a deep black covert operative. In 1980 Captain Russbacher flew then vice-presidential candidate George Bush to a secret meeting near Paris in what has become known as "The October Surprise" scandal.
In 1989, Captain Russbacher violated direct orders and married, Rayelan Allan, an investigative researcher who was currently working to expose the October Surprise scandal. Captain Russbacher was arrested two days after their marriage and stayed incarcerated until December of 1993.
It is evident to all who are familiar with the Russbacher case that he was a political prisoner of the Bush administration. The following article was written, in spring of 1992, from his prison cell in the Jefferson City Correctional Center in Missouri.
Captain Russbacher has been called the "Company Banker". Because of this, he had to be knowledgeable about the banking system in the United States. Once he began studying the Federal Reserve, its origins and its global aspirations, he began to understand how three hundred families control the world. This article was written from memory, with a little help from friends at Langley Center.
The One World Monetary Cabal
The story of my investigation into the One-World monetary cabal begins in the elevator at Langley Center, (Headquarters for the Central Intelligence Agency in McLean, Virginia.) I had just finished a field exercise designed to certify me for further operations status. I had narrowly passed.
On the elevator, a friend invited me to join him and three others for dinner. Knowing that my plane wasn't due out until 0800 hours the following morning, I accepted. I needed a shower, so I hurriedly walked to my car and began the drive back to the city. It was a sweltering day in the Capitol. The air appeared to stand still. Mosquitos angrily attacked anything that moved on the hot pavement. Little did I suspect, as I drove back to my hotel, that tonight's dinner was going to be more than just a friendly gathering.
After a shower, shave and fresh clothes, I arrived at the restaurant. I arrived early so I could have a drink and check out the place. I made my way through the restaurant, heading for the bar. Hopefully no one noticed my surprise when I saw the group who had already gathered. It was a weekend, the place should have been empty. But it was filled with high level government types, most of whom I knew. My friend from work was already in the bar. Judging from the half-filled drink in his hand, he had arrived early with the same intent in mind. The three others he mentioned this afternoon were with him.
After exchanging the usual, banal forms of greetings, we were led into the dining room. Over hors d'oeuvres I realized that I was in the midst of a serious meeting. The others who were present (with the exception of one man, who was employed by one of the wire services,) were all top echelon government employees. Together we represented the elite of the investigative and intelligence communities. You didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know that something more than dinner was going on here. To slam home the point, a guy from State, (the State Department) read us our evening's agenda. We were apprized that dinner would be brief so we should eat fast. A helicopter would pick us up and take us to a SPECIAL
Not knowing when we'd eat again, we followed his suggestion and ate quickly, in studied silence. We were soon told that the helicopters were waiting, ready to take us deep into the Maryland countryside. We left the table and boarded, still not knowing where we were going or why.
The flight was thankfully uneventful and the craft softly deposited us on the lawn in front of the corporate offices of a large manufacturing plant. I offered the guess that the firm was considering an expansion or maybe desired a government contract. Possibly they were looking for government assistance to fund their current projects. At that point, all speculations were pure conjecture.
It was plain to all of us that we were on the scene as representatives of our respective bureaus and agencies. The meeting was to be with various high corporate officials, along with members of a U.S. Senator's office and the mayor's office of a large Maryland metropolis.
After receiving an impressive tour of the facility, one of the members of our group asked why the firm was planning such a major expansion. The corporate official in charge of the tour replied,
"We are one of three companies being considered by the United States Treasury Department to build the printing presses that will print the new U.S. currency. "We all looked at each other. The expressions on our faces said it all. "What new U.S currency?" Not a word was spoken. We were as speechless at that moment as we would have been if we had been lobotomized by the painless methods of chemical ingestion. Here we were, all of us high level government officials, learning about the planned new currency without any warning or introduction. It was almost as if the information had been purposely leaked to us through the grapevine... through a private, non governmental source. The corporate official, when probed about the matter, and unorthodox manner of approach, claimed he didn't know much beyond what he had already told us.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The malfunction was detected as scientists prepared for the late-night launch rocket launches, which were scheduled to blast off within about five minutes of one another at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va.
By Tariq Malik, / March 15, 2012
This map of the United States' mid-Atlantic region shows the flight profile of NASA's five ATREX rockets, as well as the projected area where they may be visible after launch on March 14, 2012. The rockets' chemical tracers, meanwhile, should be visible from South Carolina through much of New England.
A radio system glitch on one of five small rockets aimed at the edge of space has forced NASA to cancel a barrage of overnight launches tonight that promised to dazzle East Coast skywatchers with glowing midnight clouds.
The malfunction was detected as scientists prepared for the late-night launch rocket launches, which were scheduled to blast off within about five minutes of one another at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va. The initial launch was targeted for 12 a.m. EDT (0400 GMT) on Thursday (March 15).
"We scrubbed for tonight and our next attempt will be no earlier than Friday night, March 16," NASA spokesman Keith Koehler told from the Wallops launch site on the Atlantic coast.
An internal radio frequency interference problem with one of the payloads on the rockets caused the launch delay, Koehler said. Mission scientists will meet Thursday to discuss the problem as well as study weather reports for Friday's potential launch attempt, he added.
The five rockets form the core of NASA's Anomalous Transport Rocket Experiment (ATREX), a $4 million program to study the high-altitude jet stream of wind that blows at speeds of 300 mph (483 kph) at heights of between 60 and 65 miles (97 to 105 kilometers) above Earth. Theories have suggested that these high-altitude winds should only reach speeds of up to 50 mph (80 kph). The edge of space is commonly set at 62 miles (100 km) above Earth.
To study the jet stream mystery, NASA scientists have loaded each ATREX rocket with a chemical tracer known as trimethyl aluminum. The experiment is designed to spray the material into the jet stream so observers on Earth can map the winds.
That chemical tracer is expected to be seen as glowing, milky white clouds visible to skywatchers along major stretches of the U.S. East Coast, running from southern Vermont andNew Hampshire to the border of North and South Carolina.
Koehler said that NASA's next window to launch the ATREX rockets stretches from March 16 to April 3. If the radio interference issue is solved, but the weather does not cooperate on Friday, the agency will reconvene for a potential weekend liftoff or plan for another launch try next week, he added.
"Next week is supposed to be really nice," Koehler said.
You can follow Managing Editor Tariq Malik on Twitter @tariqjmalik. Follow for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.
US Military Active Denial System....Heat Ray
Two versions of US Marine Corps trucks are seen carrying the Active Denial System, March 9th, 2012, at the US Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia (AFP Photo / Paul J. Richards)Video uploaded by USFORCESTV channel
The American military have presented the world with a new weapon, informally named the heat ray or microwave cannon. The “Active Denial System” is a non-lethal weapon primarily designed for crowd control.
A video was uploaded on YouTube by USFORCESTV channel of the US military testing a new super high frequency (SHF) weapon. Rumors have long been spread about a “cannon”, which can be mounted on a military vehicle to disperse crowds with the help of a high-powered beam of electromagnetic radiation.
Hearsay still causes the US Department of Defense deny it has spent $120 million on a mobile microwave oven.
The Active Denial System (ADS) beams a high-frequency, man-sized electromagnetic wave 1,000 meters.
ADS fires a high-powered beam of high-frequency millimeter waves at 95 GHz (a wavelength of 3.2 mm). Similar to the same way that a microwave oven heats food at 2.45GHz, the millimeter waves excite the water and fat molecules in the body, instantly heating them via dielectric heating and causing intense pain. While microwaves will penetrate into human tissue about 17mm (0.67"), the millimeter waves used in ADS only penetrate the top layers of skin, with most of the energy being absorbed within 0.4 mm (1/64").
A person affected by ADS feels a sudden blast of heat that many compare to opening a very hot oven. The target feels pain and reflexively steps or runs away. During the presentation US servicemen managed to immediately disperse a group of disguised marines who played the role of an aggressive crowd.
The US military say this weapon’s injury risk is far lower than other weapons like rubber bullets or pepper spray. The ray does not cause cancer or exacerbate existing cancer, nor does it causes fertility problems or birth defects. That is according to Stephanie Miller, with the biological effects branch of the Air Force Research Laboratory as quoted by Stars and Stripes web edition.
She also said the weapon has been tested on more than 11,000 people, and in just two of those cases, it caused second-degree burns.
Experts believe the idea appeared in the mid 1990s during a US campaign in Somalia, where American soldiers were often attacked by local population only armed with stones or sticks.
Some kind of weapon was needed to avoid victims among civilians and to protect soldiers at the same time.
The properties of an electro-magnetic field have been long used to put the enemy’s electronic instruments out of order. The prototypes of a microwave novelty were first used almost 30 years ago and have significantly diminished in size since then: the first version reached the size of a train carriage. Now it can be put on a Hummer. It is reported the Pentagon is about to create an airborne version of the heat ray.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Tila Tequila Exposing Illuminati.
Who would think Ms Tequila would know and say all theses things pertaining to the Illuminati, I had no idea...Is it possible she was to be killed by them? I do know that the establishment does have ways to make a hit look like a suicide..
I have never been a fan of Ms. Tequila's but I do find it interesting that she went public in the ways of the music and entertainment industries. She was engaged to Casey Johnson the daughter of Robert Wood Johnson IV of Johnson & Johnson...seems to be they made her death to be an apparent suicide...Was she killed to cover up something?
I have never been a fan of Ms. Tequila's but I do find it interesting that she went public in the ways of the music and entertainment industries. She was engaged to Casey Johnson the daughter of Robert Wood Johnson IV of Johnson & Johnson...seems to be they made her death to be an apparent suicide...Was she killed to cover up something?
Monday, March 12, 2012
Earthquake Warning For March 22, 2012
This is rather interesting the pattern that these last major quakes have been following....Around 188 days after a major quake there has been another back over two years. So, it will be interesting to see what will happen next week...The video also points out that 3/22 is a major number for the Illuminati...Guess we have to wait and see...
The guy who made the video thinks it will take place in the pacific region or around would be crazy if it were to happen along the New Madrid fault in the Central US.
The guy who made the video thinks it will take place in the pacific region or around would be crazy if it were to happen along the New Madrid fault in the Central US.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Google Spying on You Through Your Microphone?
Author: Brian D. Hill
Source: USWGO Alternative News
Note: Also before I am writing this my laptop was attacked by hackers again. Now I have to restore my laptop again right around when I am suppose to interview Dr. Michael Coffman via Webcam and Microphone.
I like to bring in this article a confirmed surveillance attempt by Google of my Laptops Microphone around April of 2011. It was even admitted on The Register in Sep 2006 that Google was developing eavesdropping software, that uses Audio ‘fingerprint’ for content-relevant ads, and that as I quote from their news website “to use the existing PC microphone to listen to whatever is heard in the background, be it music, your phone going off or the TV turned down. The PC then identifies it, using fingerprinting, and then shows you relevant content, whether that’s adverts or search results, or a chat room on the subject.”
Monday, March 5, 2012
$600,000.00 Gun Boats...Texas DPS
Why does Texas need $600,000.00 gun boats? The Texas Department of Public Safety has purchased two high speed gun ships to patrol the Rio Grande and lakes near the Mexican border, these boats are designed to be used in the open waters of an ocean not in the Rio Grande or a lake...They own two now and will eventually have a total of six.
While watching the video notice how the boats are militarized with automatic weapons. I have previously written an article about the militarization of our community police agencies...The militarization of state and local agencies that is now taking place all over this country has to be leading up to something. Is Martial Law being prepared for? Why does Texas need military style gun boats?
Thursday, March 1, 2012
The TSA Is Coming To A Highway Near You
By Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
One of the great honors of my service to Tennessee is having the opportunity to represent Ft. Campbell which is home to the storied 101st Airborne, the 5th Special Forces Group and the Army’s 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment which piloted Navy SEAL Team Six during the raid on Osama Bin Laden.
Each soldier who calls Ft. Campbell home has gone through some of the most intensive training on the planet which pushed their minds and bodies to their physical limits. In the end, those who make the cut have earned the right to be part of our United States military, are honored to wear its uniform, and are serving on the frontlines in the fight against global terrorism.
While TSOs may have the appearance of a federal law enforcement officer they have neither the authority nor the power. If a passenger brings a loaded gun or an explosive device into an airport screening area there is nothing a TSO can do until the local police step in to save the day.bureaucrats at the TSA left out one crucial component during the artificial makeover – actual federal law enforcement training as is required of Federal Air Marshalls.
If TSOs are truly our nation’s last line of defense in stopping an act of terrorism, then the TSA should immediately end the practice of placing hiring notices for available TSO positions on pizza boxes and at discount gas stations as theyhave done in our nation’s capital. Surely, this is not where our federal government is going to find our brightest and sharpest Americans committed to keeping our traveling public safe. I would contend that we can surely strive for a higher standard and may want to look first to our veterans returning home from the battlefield.
Navy Rail Gun
For the uninitiated, a railgun fires projectiles using electricity instead of chemical propellants. Magnetic fields created by strong electrical currents accelerate a sliding metal conductor between two rails to launch projectiles at about 7,200 to 9,000 kilometers per hour, compared to perhaps 5,400 kilometers per hour for a conventional gun. By equipping ships with railguns rather than standard artillery, the Navy could eliminate the hazards of having high explosives on board ships.
The Navy is evaluating two EM Railgun models. A 32-megajoule prototype built by BAE
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