Thanks to LogicBeforeAuthority
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Monday, April 30, 2012
Authorities Refuse to Disclose Details of Chicago Evacuation Plan
Information lockdown by Secret Service and city officials
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, April 30, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
City and federal authorities have reacted bizarrely to the revelation that the Red Cross has been ordered to prepare for the possible evacuation of Chicago during next month’s NATO summit by refusing to acknowledge that the directive came from them.
As we reported last week, Red Cross volunteers in the Milwaukee area were sent an email instructing them that, “The American Red Cross in southeastern Wisconsin has been asked to place a number of shelters on standby in the event of evacuation of Chicago.”
According to a chapter Red Cross spokesperson, “Our direction has come from the City of Chicago and the Secret Service.”
However, according to a CBS 2 report, the Secret Service has refused to even acknowledge the issue and “Chicago officials say the plan didn’t come from them.”
Chicago area tenants were also informed by management agencies that they should get ready to leave their homes in preparation for major rioting.
Despite the fact that the plan for evacuating citizens has stoked paranoia and confusion amongst residents, information about the procedure has seemingly been placed on lockdown.
Chicago NATO host committee officials also responded to reports that heavily armed security teams would be making themselves visible in federal buildings from this week onwards with ignorance, claiming they were “completely in the dark.”
It appears highly probable that many of the policing methods and emergency planning provisions are so over the top that authorities are loathe to disclose details for fear of a backlash before the event.
- This reminds us of the previous administration’s continuity of government plans for the aftermath of a catastrophic event that were deemed so secret that even Congressman Peter DeFazio, who sat on the Homeland Security Committee with clearance to see classified material, was barred from viewing the details.
“Maybe the people who think there’s a conspiracy out there are right,” DeFazio said at the time, which is precisely the reaction the refusal to acknowledge the Chicago evacuation plan will also generate.
The effect that all this has is to create the perception that the mere act of exercising First Amendment rights is somehow dirty and criminal, and that it needs to be countered by the state using clandestine means with plans that are more suited to responding to debilitating terrorist attacks than public demonstrations.
Indeed, preparations to shut down roads and limit the size of trucks passing through certain highways mirrors “a procedure originally designed for use in an all-out emergency like a bioterrorism attack.”
The NATO summit represents a massive photo opportunity for the government to showcase how America is now a militarized police state, sending the message that any attempt to protest the new world order will be met by an army of gun-wielding goons, invasive surveillance technologies and pain-inducing torture tools.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Carl Munck - The Code
AWESOME....If you like math and numbers you will really enjoy the below movie by Carl Munck. Math and numbers not your thing this video will still be able to open yours eyes to how the human race has regressed since the times of antiquity....
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Tupac Resurrected.... Project Bluebeam?
I have been hearing about and researching holograms for sometime, this by far is a great example of what they have the abilities to do...The below video is from Coachella 2012, Tupac Resurrection....look at the amazing quality of this image. To think this is the technology they let us see, imagine what they can do in some clandestine programs?
The beginning of Project Bluebeam? We will soon need to be very careful of what we see and hear(should already be this way) Research what Project Bluebeam is and what they want to use it for.
The beginning of Project Bluebeam? We will soon need to be very careful of what we see and hear(should already be this way) Research what Project Bluebeam is and what they want to use it for.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
China Developing Super Electromagnet Pulse Bomb To Use In War Against U.S.
China is gearing up for war against the United States and their top weapon is a super electromagnetic pulse bomb that can blanket the U.S. and send America back to the dark ages in less than one second.
Past reports from Chinese military websites and Asian newspapers have outlined a several attacks that China could launch to win a war against the more technologically and militarily advanced United States.
These strategical attacks, as a MITRE research report reveals, are part of an arsenal known as shashoujian or the assassin's mace.
Demystifying Shashoujian: China's 'Assassin's Mace' ConceptInterestingly, very few modern definitions of shashoujian can be documented. The most comprehensive Chinese military statement about shashoujian―that resembles a formal definition―comes from a PLA Air Force (PLAAF) officer, Senior Colonel Yang Zhibo, who, in 2002, served as a deputy researcher at the PLAAF Command College in the Office for Planning and Management Research. According to Yang, shashoujian can be “weapon systems and equipment” and/or a certain type of “combat method.” In a Kongjun Bao article, he wrote:Basically, it is whatever the PLA needs to win future local wars under modern high-tech conditions. It includes two aspects: (1) weapon systems and equipment (e.g., hardware); and (2) every type of combat method (e.g., software). Weapons and equipment are the systems needed to deal with the enemy’s electronic warfare and information warfare, and to counter every type of weapon and equipment the enemy can use for firepower attack. [Shashoujian] [c]ombat methods include attacking different types of weapons, such as early warning aircraft, stealth aircraft, and cruise missiles, as well as the combat principles to deal with different situations.To build a shashoujian, China must first complete a development program. It is a difficult, systematic process and not just one or two advanced weapons. It is something that all the services will use. It is an all-army, all-location, composite land, sea, and air system. It must also be a Chinese program that can use advanced foreign technology, but should not be purchased as a full system from abroad. One reason for not purchasing it from abroad is that these types of technology and tactics are common knowledge to everyone else, including the enemy. Second, other countries may not want to give China those types of technology and tactics, which are secret. Third, during wartime, political and foreign affairs (diplomacy) could possibly cut the flow of technology off from China In developing new combat methods research, combat methods constitute the full development of weapons and equipment technical and tactical capabilities, and the effective methods of raising combat effectiveness. The development of weapons, equipment, combat methods, and training must go hand-in-hand for them to be effective.Source: MITRE
Military strategists have long predicted that the top attack in China's assassin's mace arsenal would be an Electromagnetic pulse bomb.
Now declassified defense intelligence reports reveals is already building the EMP super bomb according to a two page Washington Times report.
Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriersChina's military is developing electromagnetic pulse weapons that Beijing plans to use against U.S. aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, according to an intelligence report made public on Thursday.Portions of a National Ground Intelligence Center study on the lethal effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and high-powered microwave (HPM) weapons revealed that the arms are part of China’s so-called “assassin’s mace” arsenal - weapons that allow a technologically inferior China to defeat U.S. military forces.EMP weapons mimic the gamma-ray pulse caused by a nuclear blast that knocks out all electronics, including computers and automobiles, over wide areas. The phenomenon was discovered in 1962 after an above ground nuclear test in the Pacific disabled electronics in Hawaii.The declassified intelligence report, obtained by the private National Security Archive, provides details on China’s EMP weapons and plans for their use. Annual Pentagon reports on China's military in the past made only passing references to the arms.“For use against Taiwan, China could detonate at a much lower altitude (30 to 40 kilometers) … to confine the EMP effects to Taiwan and its immediate vicinity and minimize damage to electronics on the mainland,” the report said.The report, produced in 2005 and once labeled “secret,” stated that Chinese military writings have discussed building low-yield EMP warheads, but “it is not known whether [the Chinese] have actually done so.”The report said that in addition to EMP weapons, “any low-yield strategic nuclear warhead (or tactical nuclear warheads) could be used with similar effects.”“The DF-21 medium-range ballistic missile has been mentioned as a platform for the EMP attack against Taiwan,” the report said.According to the report, China’s electronic weapons are part of what are called “trump card” or “assassin’s mace” weapons that “are based on new technology that has been developed in high secrecy.”“Trump card would be applicable if the Chinese have developed new low-yield, possibly enhanced, EMP warheads, while assassin’s mace would apply if older warheads are employed,” the report said.According to the report, China conducted EMP tests on mice, rats, rabbits, dogs and monkeys that produced eye, brain, bone marrow and other organ injuries. It stated that “it is clear the real purpose of the Chinese medical experiments is to learn the potential human effects of exposure to powerful EMP and [high-powered microwave] radiation.[...]Source: The Washington Times
As the Asia the Asia Times reports, an EMP strike launched from outer space would cripple the United States and "send it back into the dark ages" in a single strike.
AMERICA'S ACUPUNCTURE POINTSPART 1: Striking the US where it hurtsA noted Chinese theorist on modern warfare, Chang Mengxiong, compared China's form of fighting to "a Chinese boxer with a keen knowledge of vital body points who can bring an opponent to his knees with a minimum of movements". It is like key acupuncture points in ancient Chinese medicine. Puncture one vital point and the whole anatomy is affected. If America ever goes to war with China, say, over Taiwan, then America should be prepared for the following "acupuncture points" in its anatomy to be "punctured". Each of the vital points can bring America to its knees with a minimum of effort.I) Electro-magnetic Pulse (EMP) attackChina and Russia are two potential US adversaries that have the capability for this kind of attack. An EMP attack can either come from an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), a long-range cruise missile, or an orbiting satellite armed with a nuclear or non-nuclear EMP warhead. A nuclear burst of one (or more) megaton some 400 kilometers over central United States (Omaha, Nebraska) can blanket the whole continental US with electro-magnetic pulse in less than one second.An EMP attack will damage all electrical grids on the US mainland. It will disable computers and other similar electronic devices with microchips. Most businesses and industries will shut down. The entire US economy will practically grind to a halt. Satellites within line of sight of the EMP burst will also be damaged, adversely affecting military command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR). Land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles will be rendered unserviceable in their silos. Anti-ballistic missile defenses will suffer the same fate. In short – total blackout. And American society as we know it will be thrown back to the Dark Ages.Of course, the US may decide to strike first, but China and Russia now have the means of striking back with submarine-launched ballistic missiles with the same or even more devastating results. But knowing China's strategy of "active defense", when war with the US becomes imminent, China will surely not allow itself to be targeted first. It will seize the initiative as mandated by its doctrine by striking first.China has repeatedly announced that it will not be the first to use nuclear weapons. But as an old Chinese saying goes: "There can never be too much deception in war." If it means the survival of the whole Chinese nation that is at stake, China will surely not allow a public statement to tie its hands and prevent it from seizing the initiative. As another saying goes: "All is fair in love and war."Source: Asian Times
The Asia Times article goes onto list cyber attack , interrupting the US foreign oil supply, an attack on the US dollar, and diplomatic isolation as other means of crushing the Untied States and goes into a detail on each of the methods of attacks.
But the most powerful attack, termed the Trump card, is development of a super EMP.
Here of some more of the attacks China may use in a war against the U.S.
AMERICA'S ACUPUNCTURE POINTSPART 2: The assassin's maceIf America ever goes to war with China, Chinese military doctrine suggests the US should expect attacks on a number of key points where it is particularly vulnerable - where a single jab would paralyze the entire nation. China would aim at targets such as the US electricity grid, its computer networks, its oil supply routes, and the dollar. Other vital "acupuncture" points are outlined below.
1) A powerful triumvirate - [The Alliance of Russia, China, And Iran]No one ever imagined before 1991 that China and Russia would come together to form a close-knit alliance politically, diplomatically and, most important of all, militarily. For more than three decades before the break-up of the Soviet Union, China and the USSR had been bitter rivals, even going into a shooting war with each other along their common border.[...]Add to that the announcement of President George W Bush that the US would come to the aid of Taiwan in the event that China uses force against it; the sending of two aircraft carrier battle groups to waters near Taiwan in 1995-1996; and the naval show of strength of seven aircraft carrier battle groups converging off the China coast in August 2004. All these aggressive moves by superpower America pushed China to embrace its former bitter rival, Russia.[...]If we add Iran to the equation, we have a triumvirate that can pose a formidable challenge to the lone superpower. Iran is the most industrialized and the most populous nation in the Middle East. It is second only to Russia in terms of gas resources and also one of the largest oil producers in the world.[...] Modern bottom-rising, rocket propelled sea mines and supersonic cruise missiles deployed along the long mountainous coastline of Iran, manned by "invisible" guerrillas, could indefinitely stop the flow of oil from the Gulf, from which the US gets 23% of its imported oil.Japan also derives 90% of its oil from the Persian Gulf area, and Europe about 60%. In a major conflict, Iran can effectively deprive the US war machine and those of its key allies of much needed energy supplies.Imagine the war machine of the superpower running out of gas. Imagine also a US economy minus 23% of its imported oil. This 23% can rise considerably once Chinese and Russian submarines start sinking US-bound oil tankers. The triumvirate of China, Russia, and Iran could bring the US to its knees with a minimum of movement.2) The US's geopolitical disadvantageAnother "acupuncture point" in America’s anatomy [...] the US will be crossing thousands of miles of sea lanes of communication (SLOC) that can easily become a gauntlet of deadly Chinese and Russian submarines lying in ambush with bottom-rising sea mines, supercavitating rocket torpedoes, and supersonic cruise missiles that even aircraft carrier battle groups have no known defense against. Logistic and transport ships and oil tankers are particularly vulnerable.The air corridors above these sea lanes will also be put at great risk by advanced air defense systems aboard Sovremenny destroyers or similar types of warships in Chinese and Russian inventories. [...]
Of course, the US has "forces in being" and "logistics in place" in numerous military bases scattered around the world, especially those strategically encircling China, Russia, and Iran. But when the shooting war starts, these bases will be the first to be hit by barrages of short- and medium-range ballistic missiles and long-range land-attack cruise missiles armed with electro-magnetic pulse, anti-radar, thermobaric, and conventional warheads.Following the missile barrages, the remnants of such weakened US military bases will easily be overwhelmed by blitzkrieg assaults from Russian and Chinese armored divisions in the Eurasian mainland. China, for instance, has four large armored units constantly on standby, poised to cross the Yili Corridor in Xinjiang province at a moment’s notice. The US base in Kyrgyzstan near the Chinese border would not stand a chance.[...]3) Asymmetric attackSuperpower America is particularly vulnerable to asymmetric attack. A classic example of asymmetric attack is the September 11, 2001, attack on America. Nineteen determined attackers, armed with nothing but box cutters, succeeded in toppling the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and causing the death of some 3,000 Americans. Notice the asymmetry of casualty ratio as well - the most lopsided casualty ratio ever recorded in history.China, Russia, and Iran also possess asymmetric weapons that are designed to neutralize and defeat a superpower like America in a conventional conflict. Supersonic cruise missiles now in their inventories can defeat and sink US aircraft carriers. The same is true for medium- and short-range ballistic missiles with independently targetable warheads, extra-large bottom-rising, rocket-propelled sea mines (EM52s), and supercavitating rocket torpedoes (SHKVAL or "Squall"). The US Navy has no known defense against these weapons.Iraqi insurgents are conducting a form of asymmetric warfare. They use improvised explosive devices, car bombs, booby traps and landmines against the most modern army the world has ever seen. The US's huge advantage in weaponry is negated by the fact that its soldiers cannot see their adversary. They are fighting against a "phantom" enemy - an invisible army.[...]Connected to asymmetric warfare is asynchronous warfare, where the weaker side bides its time to strike back. And it strikes at a time and place where the adversary is totally unprepared.For example, if the US were to strike Iran’s underground nuclear facilities with bunker-busting tactical nuclear warheads, Iran could bide its time until it develops its own nuclear weapons. It could then use its Kilo class submarines, equipped with supersonic "moskit" cruise missiles armed with Iran’s own nuclear warheads, to hit New York, or Washington, DC as a payback to the US for using nuclear weapons against Iran. Or the Iranians could infiltrate nuclear scientists into the US, where they would fabricate a "dirty" bomb to be detonated near the US Congress, in full session while the president is making his annual state of the nation address.The possibilities for asymmetric and asynchronous warfare are limitless. Various weapons are available to the asymmetric or asynchronous attacker. If a simple box cutter produced such devastating results on September 11, 2001, imagine what chemical or biological weapons dropped from a private aircraft could do to a crowded city; or trained hackers attacking the US banking system and other key infrastructure and basic services; or man-portable surface-to-air missiles attacking US airlines taking off or landing in various airports around the globe; or non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapons hitting New York City or the US Capitol. No amount of even the best intelligence in the world can totally guard against and stop a determined asymmetric attacker.[...]4) Attack on US's command and control[...]China now has the capability to identify and track satellites. And for more than two decades they have been busy developing anti-satellite weapons. China has been developing maneuverable nano-satellites that can neutralize other satellites. They do their work by maneuvering near a target satellite and neutralizing the target by electronic jamming, electro-magnetic pulse generation, clinging to the target and physically destroying it, bumping the target out of orbit, or simply exploding to bring the target satellite down with it. Such nano satellites can be launched in batches on demand by road-mobile DF21 or DF31 booster rockets.Another anti-satellite weapon in the works is a land-based laser that blinds the sensitive sensors of satellites or even destroys them completely. Of course, if worse comes to worst, China can always use its weapon of last resort, destroying adversary satellites with a high-altitude nuclear burst. But this will only be used if China has not yet fully developed the other options when major hostilities start. With the neutralization of its C4ISR, America would be like "a blind man trying to catch fish with his bare hands", to quote Mao Zedong. In short, America would be brought to its knees.[...]
Continue reading on China Developing Super Electromagnet Pulse Bomb To Use In War Against U.S. - Jersey City Civil Rights |
Monday, April 2, 2012
The Hunger Games movie review - a glimpse of our own future if the cancerous growth of government is not checked .
(NaturalNews) The Hunger Games is a wildly popular new movie set in a dystopian future where an all-powerful, high-tech centralized government rules over "districts" of impoverished populations barely surviving in third-world conditions. The film, based on the book of the same name by Suzanne Collins, is important to understand becauseit depicts the very future that the global elite are trying to create. In fact, much of what is shown inThe Hunger Gameshas already begun (see below).
The film is set 74 years after a popular uprising that failed to overthrow a corrupt, centralized federal government. As punishment for the attempted uprising, the all-powerful government now requires each of 12 districts to "volunteer" a young girl and boy each year to participate in the Hunger Games -- a bloodsport "breads and circuses" event that serves as the opiate of the masses to distract society from the fact that they are all slaves living under tyranny.
Spoiler alert: This article reveals plot elements that may spoil the movie for you if you haven't yet seen it.
• Control over food: Residents of the 12 districts are not allowed to eat more food than they are allotted by the government. Being caught catching a squirrel for food results in severe punishment.
• Control over land: The 12 districts are fenced off with high-voltage power lines, much like you might find in North Korea today. Most of the world is "conserved" as wild forest and grasslands, with humans only being allowed to populate confined regions where resources are sparse and starvation is a daily reality.
• Control over the media: The government controls all media, and every broadcast is a staged theatrical event, completely fabricated by the government to serve the interests of the government itself. This, of course, is a reflection of present-day mainstream media which is completely whored out to corporate and political interests.
• Control of technology: While the masses live in squalor, the techno-elite enjoy advanced hovercraft ships and live in gleaming high-tech cities. Advancements in medicine, 3D displays and weapons systems are available only to the centralized government, never to the People. Also in the film, RFID chips are used to track the game participants.
• Control of DNA: Residents of the districts are identified through the taking of DNA blood samples. The government stores their DNA in a database in order to track and identify individuals. Insects are genetically engineered to serve as weapons, such as GMO wasps that cause wild hallucinations to those who are stung.
• Control over life itself: The government toys with human life and seems to be amused by expressing heartless power over the masses. Their priorities are simultaneously focused on fashion, status and meaningless cuisine. In one scene, when the teenage girl (Katniss Everdeen) is trying to ask her mentor how she might survive the games, her elitists coordinator can only spout about how much she loves "chocolate truffles" and why they should all enjoy a round of desserts.
The government-worshipping elite class see themselves as intellectually superior to everyone else, yet they lack any real-world skills. They also lack anything resembling ethics, and they see nothing wrong with cheating or lying their way to positions of ever greater power in their warped society.
The film is set 74 years after a popular uprising that failed to overthrow a corrupt, centralized federal government. As punishment for the attempted uprising, the all-powerful government now requires each of 12 districts to "volunteer" a young girl and boy each year to participate in the Hunger Games -- a bloodsport "breads and circuses" event that serves as the opiate of the masses to distract society from the fact that they are all slaves living under tyranny.
Spoiler alert: This article reveals plot elements that may spoil the movie for you if you haven't yet seen it.
The central themes of domination and control
The movie reflects numerous central themes of government control over the masses, including:• Control over food: Residents of the 12 districts are not allowed to eat more food than they are allotted by the government. Being caught catching a squirrel for food results in severe punishment.
• Control over land: The 12 districts are fenced off with high-voltage power lines, much like you might find in North Korea today. Most of the world is "conserved" as wild forest and grasslands, with humans only being allowed to populate confined regions where resources are sparse and starvation is a daily reality.
• Control over the media: The government controls all media, and every broadcast is a staged theatrical event, completely fabricated by the government to serve the interests of the government itself. This, of course, is a reflection of present-day mainstream media which is completely whored out to corporate and political interests.
• Control of technology: While the masses live in squalor, the techno-elite enjoy advanced hovercraft ships and live in gleaming high-tech cities. Advancements in medicine, 3D displays and weapons systems are available only to the centralized government, never to the People. Also in the film, RFID chips are used to track the game participants.
• Control of DNA: Residents of the districts are identified through the taking of DNA blood samples. The government stores their DNA in a database in order to track and identify individuals. Insects are genetically engineered to serve as weapons, such as GMO wasps that cause wild hallucinations to those who are stung.
• Control over life itself: The government toys with human life and seems to be amused by expressing heartless power over the masses. Their priorities are simultaneously focused on fashion, status and meaningless cuisine. In one scene, when the teenage girl (Katniss Everdeen) is trying to ask her mentor how she might survive the games, her elitists coordinator can only spout about how much she loves "chocolate truffles" and why they should all enjoy a round of desserts.
A parade of fashion, makeup and style gone wild
The style and fashion of the elite class who live in the high-tech cities seems to be echoed right out of a modern-day parade. People are adorned with bright, extravagant clothing and accessories, and they're painted up in outlandish makeup and hair color. They literally prance around like frolicking maniacal members of royalty, and they experience great joy from causing others to suffer.The government-worshipping elite class see themselves as intellectually superior to everyone else, yet they lack any real-world skills. They also lack anything resembling ethics, and they see nothing wrong with cheating or lying their way to positions of ever greater power in their warped society.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Crash Of The Dollar Imminent...?
Will the dollar be dead by the end of 2012? According to many reports, it has already started. Towards the end of 2011 China and Japan signed a trade agreement that essentially states they will only trade with each other using the Yuan and the Yen, no US greenbacks. Is this the start of the dismantling of the dollar as the world reserve currency? Many think so, Russia and China in 2010 have reached a deal to only trade in their respective currencies bypassing the dollar all together.
Four days ago Saudi Arabia and China announced the construction of the world's largest oil refinery to be built in the Red sea port of Yanbu by 2014. This can be seen as a major blow to the petrodollar, which is on the verge of losing it's clout, as other developed countries continue to look for other ways to pay for oil, the US economy is sure to suffer. This is all part of the plan by the elite, right?
According to Lindsey Williams, the elite have not let the world financial crash happen, as of yet due to the fact, they want to have all the States, Counties and Cities in massive debt....(just do a search for US cities in default) that way they can move in a take control of these municipalities...Order Out Of Chaos....
The US dollar is not near as strong as it was, say twenty years ago...the dollar has taken a beating over the last few years. No wonder why all these other countries have been looking for ways to get out of the dollar, as the dollar loses more and more share on the global market theses types of agreements will certainly be the future of global trading.....The US has made a killing off the petrodollar. What will they do when it loses it's vitality in the markets? Is this what the Elitist want?
The sad thing about this, the elite have been planning this for some time now, they are waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Will their opportunity be; the world not being as interested in the US dollar as they once were?
Watch the derivatives market, this is where the next bubble will come from and when it crashes, watch will make the housing crash seem like a trickle in a dried up river so much of the market is tied to derivatives, when it starts to crumble, it will be the end of the way we have lived life in the US for the last 100 years. The crash will be unprecedented in world history....Will it be the beginning of the end for the Almighty dollar?
2012 is going to be an interesting time in the history of the world.....
Four days ago Saudi Arabia and China announced the construction of the world's largest oil refinery to be built in the Red sea port of Yanbu by 2014. This can be seen as a major blow to the petrodollar, which is on the verge of losing it's clout, as other developed countries continue to look for other ways to pay for oil, the US economy is sure to suffer. This is all part of the plan by the elite, right?
According to Lindsey Williams, the elite have not let the world financial crash happen, as of yet due to the fact, they want to have all the States, Counties and Cities in massive debt....(just do a search for US cities in default) that way they can move in a take control of these municipalities...Order Out Of Chaos....
The US dollar is not near as strong as it was, say twenty years ago...the dollar has taken a beating over the last few years. No wonder why all these other countries have been looking for ways to get out of the dollar, as the dollar loses more and more share on the global market theses types of agreements will certainly be the future of global trading.....The US has made a killing off the petrodollar. What will they do when it loses it's vitality in the markets? Is this what the Elitist want?
The sad thing about this, the elite have been planning this for some time now, they are waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Will their opportunity be; the world not being as interested in the US dollar as they once were?
Watch the derivatives market, this is where the next bubble will come from and when it crashes, watch will make the housing crash seem like a trickle in a dried up river so much of the market is tied to derivatives, when it starts to crumble, it will be the end of the way we have lived life in the US for the last 100 years. The crash will be unprecedented in world history....Will it be the beginning of the end for the Almighty dollar?
2012 is going to be an interesting time in the history of the world.....
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Obama signs bill 'in secret' making FREE SPEECH ILLEGAL!
What more is it going to take for the people to see the road we are being lead down...Secret is the word that grabs some of my attention. This bill has so many avenues that allow it to be corrupted, against the American People. I wonder how the bill will play out in front of the whole Nation as the DNC is in Charlotte later this year? The President can appoint the Secret Service to anyone he deems as a necessity to the Oval Office.
Little by little we are having our everyday rights hijacked by the elitist that control and run Washington, it is time we as a people collectively start to make our presence more known. I see one of the largest obstacles we face is the media calling us Conspiracy Theorist, when we are really the one's telling the truth.
The Bill HR 347
Little by little we are having our everyday rights hijacked by the elitist that control and run Washington, it is time we as a people collectively start to make our presence more known. I see one of the largest obstacles we face is the media calling us Conspiracy Theorist, when we are really the one's telling the truth.
The Bill HR 347
H. R. 347One Hundred Twelfth Congressof theUnited States of AmericaAT T H E S E C O N D S E S S I O NBegun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday,the third day of January, two thousand and twelveAn ActTo correct and simplify the drafting of section 1752 (relating to restricted buildingsor grounds) of title 18, United States Code.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ofthe United States of America in Congress assembled,SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Restricted Buildingsand Grounds Improvement Act of 2011’’.SEC. 2. RESTRICTED BUILDING OR GROUNDS.Section 1752 of title 18, United States Code, is amended toread as follows:‘‘§ 1752. Restricted building or grounds‘‘(a) Whoever—‘‘(1) knowingly enters or remains in any restricted buildingor grounds without lawful authority to do so;‘‘(2) knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt theorderly conduct of Government business or official functions,engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within suchproximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or sothat, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderlyconduct of Government business or official functions;‘‘(3) knowingly, and with the intent to impede or disruptthe orderly conduct of Government business or official functions,obstructs or impedes ingress or egress to or from any restrictedbuilding or grounds; or‘‘(4) knowingly engages in any act of physical violenceagainst any person or property in any restricted building orgrounds;or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be punished as providedin subsection (b).‘‘(b) The punishment for a violation of subsection (a) is—‘‘(1) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not morethan 10 years, or both, if—‘‘(A) the person, during and in relation to the offense,uses or carries a deadly or dangerous weapon or firearm;or‘‘(B) the offense results in significant bodily injury asdefined by section 2118(e)(3); and‘‘(2) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not morethan one year, or both, in any other case.‘‘(c) In this section— H. R. 347—2‘‘(1) the term ‘restricted buildings or grounds’ means anyposted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area—‘‘(A) of the White House or its grounds, or the VicePresident’s official residence or its grounds;‘‘(B) of a building or grounds where the President orother person protected by the Secret Service is or willbe temporarily visiting; or‘‘(C) of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of nationalsignificance; and‘‘(2) the term ‘other person protected by the Secret Service’means any person whom the United States Secret Service isauthorized to protect under section 3056 of this title or byPresidential memorandum, when such person has not declinedsuch protection.’’.Speaker of the House of Representatives.Vice President of the United States andPresident of the Senat
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Mexican Earthquake Coincides With Drill Based Around Exact Same Scenario
Bizarre Coincidence: Government-run simulation also had earthquake measuring 7.9 on Richter scale
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Fears amongst some that governments are experimenting with technology that can trigger seismic events have heightened following the bizarre occurrence of yesterday’s Mexican earthquake coinciding with a government drill that was scheduled to take place at precisely the same time simulating an earthquake of the exact same magnitude.
The video above documents how Mexican Civil Protection (CP) authorities had planned to stage a response drill to an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale on March 20 at 12 noon local time, which is precisely when an earthquake hit Mexico yesterday.
After having initially been reported as 7.9 on the Richter scale, the earthquake was later revised to measure 7.4.
The exercise was being run under the auspices of Mexico’s State Emergency Committee, the government department tasked with responding to natural disasters.
“As part of preparations for the next megasimulacro March 20, state authorities of Civil Protection (CP) performed exercise tests before a cabinet to simulate the response to a contingency situation, an earthquake measuring 7.9 degrees on the scale Richter,” states a translated report out of Mexican newspaper El Heraldo, which ran the story on March 2.
A poster to publicize this “megasimularco” was also published by authorities, announcing the date of the drill to take place on March 20.
Another Mexican newspaper, La Voz del Norte, also reported on the “megasimularco,” on March 13, noting that three departments of “government are prepared to carry out the Mega Drill to be held on March 20 at about 12 o’clock.”
Yesterday’s earthquake hit precisely at 12:02PM local time in the region of Oaxaca, according to the USGS.
The bizarre coincidence has prompted claims that the event could have been a seismic experiment.
The fact that governments have access to seismic-triggering technology is not a conspiracy theory, it’s a scientific fact.
Weather modification expert Ben Livingston, a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960′s during the Vietnam era, has documented that as far back as the early 1950′s the United States was funneling money into programs aimed at using the weather as a weapon during the cold war.
Moreover, in an April 1997 speech to the University of Georgia, Athens, then US Secretary of Defense William Cohen spoke of the threat of an “eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
For many years, suspicions have circulated around the purpose of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and DARPA. In his underground bestseller Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, author Nick Begich summarizes the evidence that suggests HAARP is involved in weather control for nefarious purposes.
Scientists at NASA have discovered “A close link between electrical disturbances on the edge of our atmosphere and impending quakes on the ground below,” which has led to claims that earthquakes are being artificially induced as a form of modern warfare by HAARP.
Human activity has also been confirmed as a source of earthquakes. Changes in underground pressure at a geothermal power plant in Switzerland caused a 3.4 earthquake in 2007.
Whether or not yesterday’s earthquake was a seismic experiment gone awry or not, the fact that it coincided precisely with a government drill based around the an identical scenario, even down to the exact same magnitude of the earthquake that was initially reported, is a bizarre occurrence.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
Are Jay-Z and Nicki Minaj Really in the Illuminati?!
Source E Online
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Why do musicians like Jay Z spread beliefs in global conspiracy the Illuminati in their music?
—Traceless T., via Facebook
—Traceless T., via Facebook
You speak of the ongoing accusations against Mr. Z, as well as Oprah, Nicki Minaj and many others, that they belong to centuries-old secret society aimed at world takeover. Rappers are constantly addressing this chestnut. Just recently, Waka Flocka Flame was forced to stick up for Minaj, calling such allegations "bulls--t."
But let's not let that stop us from bringing Jay-Z into this:
Depending on whom you ask, The Illuminati are either (a) a defunct group of free thinkers from 18th century Bavaria or (b) a stealthy cabal of cultural elites with obscene wealth who are controlling the fate of the planet right this very second.
Follow so far? Of course you do.
As far as Jay-Z and other rappers go, conspiracy theories linking such musicians to the Illuminati—and another paranoiac fave, the Masons—have raged for years.
"The evidence is everywhere, hidden in plain sight," Philadelphia Weekly noted dryly more than a year ago. "It's in his videos. It's in his lyrics. It's in the pyramid-shaped sign he makes with his hand, which you foolishly believe represents his Rocafella/Roc Nation labels."
In fact, the Weekly notes, the Illuminati-music conspiracy theory does not end with Mr. Carter.
"The rumor-mongering has ramped up so aggressively, it's spilled over into those around Jay: Kanye (check the symbolism in his 'Power' video and 30-minute movie 'Runaway'); Rihanna (her video for 'Rude Boy' is steeped in Masonic imagery); Beyoncé (whose videos and costumes for alter-ego Sasha Fierce is ripe with Illuminati symbolism).
"Even Willow Smith, daughter of Will and Jada, is not immune. She was signed by Jay-Z to Roc Nation so, naturally, she's part of the Illuminati too."
But why rappers? Well, to put it simply, there is a nexus between African-Americans, power and paranoia that has simmered for generations. This is the latest iteration.
"Black culture in general has always had pervasive conspiracy theories," Marc Lamont Hill, professor at Columbia University told the Weekly. "There have always been questions and conspiracies about the structure and nature of power by African-Americans, and naturally those questions have made their way into hip-hop."
But why this particular conspiracy theory?
There are so many flavors of paranoia that you've gotta wonder why we have a specific complex marrying musicians (and Oprah!) to the Illuminati.
Well, I have that answer, too.
According to The World's Greatest Conspiracies, pretty much the Bible of side-eye, I give you this quote:
"Stories about the Illuminati refuse to go away...[The] Illuminati have become the all-purpose conspiracy; the theory that explains everything and always applies."
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